PINKK Founder NEW December 2021 PODCAST: Brave Women @ Work
Learn about the Power of Brand Storytelling and the proven tools used by successful big brands with the experience of marketer and President of AGW Idea Group. Learn how that applies to your personal brand to be successful in all areas of your life and professionally!
Brave Women at Work
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-48-build-your-brand-story-with-athena-golianis/id1547856593?i=1000542321920
JOIN US: September 8th: 12 CST for NEW LUNCH & LEARN with Marge Johnsson
Learn the art of consulting:
Join us and award-winning entrepreneur, Dr. Marge Johnsson, to learn about the art and business of consulting. Marge launched, grew, and sold her first two consultancies to a public company and a private strategic buyer. She’s also had sole-proprietor consulting ventures and has launched two university-based centers for innovation and entrepreneurship. Marge’s clients have ranged from Fortune 100 corporations, high-growth entrepreneurial start-ups, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations. This event is perfect for anyone interested in consulting!
Join us for MidWeek Motivation Wednesday June 2 @11:00 CST: with Natasha Reinhart of RBI Insurance in Toledo! This will be a hybrid event and I will be presenting 11:00 CST virtually to the luncheon in Toledo. We will share inspiring stories from the women in our book! Kindness wins!
Password: GirlPower
JOIN US: JUNE 22: 11:30 CST for NEW LUNCH & LEARN with Debby Peters
LEARN: Not everyone can be a perfect referral partner. Before you start putting your time, effort, and energy into trying to develop a powerful, productive, and profitable referral connection, you might want to learn whether you are focusing on the right people. Join Debby for this bite-sized, information-packed session that just might save you a lot of time and frustration.
- Hear from inspiring Navy Women Leaders as they tell stories of their real experiences and learn more about what is available for women in the military and Navy
- SES Stephanie Douglas, Executive Director, Navy Regional Maintenance Center. (She spent 29 years in uniform and 11 years as a civilian, Senior Executive Service (SES) and is equivalent of admiral.
- U.S. Navy Captain Melanie Merrick, Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Covid-19 Core Team and is also the Testing Lead and the Director of Global Health Engagement.
- U.S. Navy Commander Kathryn “Kat” Wijnaldum, Commanding Officer, USS OAK HILL
- Moderated by Lt Jill Brown: Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Navy Reserves, Navy Office of Community Outreach
- Kristine Garland, NAVCO Office of Public Affairs:
VIEW HERE: Military Panel Event Film
Lead and Be of Service!
Passion. Authenticity. Enthusiasm. Committed. This is how these women show up in the world.
NEW AGW IDEA GROUP: Brand Story Telling in Action
Presentation Video below: for slides contact Info@pinkknow.com
http://Brand Story Telling with Impact President/ AGW Idea Group
While our in-person events have been postponed until further notice, we are providing many webinars and other online “get-togethers” and will have hybrid events as safety allows.

- Share one reason you are grateful right now and why, and/or
- Share the one word that currently describes how you are showing up in the world right now
- An anecdote to make us all smile or consider the possibilities
- We will vary topics each week!
- Thursdays as scheduled: 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada
- Learn about some legendary women that made a dent in the world with their powerful kind leadership.
POWER of KINDNESS: Virtual webinar by PINKK Creator
- NEW Presentation with tools and practice tips from our book, Flying by the Seats of Their Skirts – Navigating Change with Kindness & Gratitude FOR PRESENTATION Click here
- Presentation was done at WIN Cleveland on 2/4: Share with your connections that want to learn more contact info@PINKKNOW.com for speaking engagement booking for YOUR groups as we speak to women leadership to create positive change. For more info on this organization go to to wincleveland.org
PINKK Networking Event: March Women’s History Month & International Women’s Day Celebration: March 8, 5-6 p.m.
EVENT PURPOSE and VISION: Celebrating Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day! What is better than ONE powerful network of kind women getting together? TWO! Win Win!
Join PINKK & WIN Cleveland for a networking event to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day.
You will have the opportunity to mingle with like-minded, kind and supportive women, do some speed networking and participate in think tank groups to discuss collaboration and share ideas about how we can continue to support one another. Free for PINKK & WIN Cleveland members, Guests $10.
As we kick off of March Women’s History Month let’s connect with those women that inspire in a relaxed atmosphere where you can learn more about PINKK & WIN members and guests and share your stories and interests. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the women who have inspired throughout history and today!
While our in-person events have been postponed until further notice, we are providing many webinars and other online “get-togethers” and will have hybrid events as safety allows.
- Share one reason you are grateful right now and why, and/or
- Share the one word that currently describes how you are showing up in the world right now
- An anecdote to make us all smile or consider the possibilities
- We will vary topics each week!
- Thursdays as scheduled: 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada

PINKK is all about Powerfully Inspiring Networking and Knowledge with Kindness. Dress PINK, DRINK PINK and share PINKK power and kindness. Join us from the comfort of your home this year with your favorite lunch and beverage choice and hear more about how you can fill this holiday with kindness and joy and meaning. Give Back Get Back in PINKK style!
It is the perfect time of the year to share kindness and support one another as we embark on the holiday giving season! We will host our inaugural holiday luncheon to share joy with our members and guests and to support women and those that support our community.
As is our tradition, we will also be learning more about and be inspired by nonprofit community organizations. We will hear from Common Threads a national non-profit that provides children and families cooking and nutrition education to encourage healthy habits that contribute to wellness. There will be a LIVE cooking demonstration with their senior chef instructor, Shawanna Kennedy! This will be a valued gift to guide us on our home holiday cooking celebrations and beyond!
Learn from and about The Chopping Block, a woman owned and managed successful business in the Chicago community will be sharing more joy and their story. The Chopping Block is a recreational cooking school that combines education and entertainment and give back to the community. Shelly Young and her amazing team have been teaching people in Chicago how to cook for over 20 years. They will offer a discount to PINKK community off ANY of their virtual classes when you register.
Raise a toast as Equality Vines will be offering us wines like LOVE WINS Sparkling Rose’ so we can begin with a PINKK pink kindness toast and 19th Amendment Sauvignon Blanc to support voting rights for all women or select Decision 2018 Pinot Noir and raise a toast to the 5th anniversary of the groundbreaking same-sex marriage decision. ALL offered at a discount for attendees. Use code PINKK for 15% discount on all wine and gift baskets! www.equalityvines.com
Join Lisa Hunt Stevens and Kim Caviness co-founders of the newly launched Familia Kitchen, a new culinary site designed to speak to today’s Latinx millennials and working parents, as well as older Latino generations—the abuelas. FamiliaKitchen.com gathers and shares beloved traditional recipes reflecting how Latinos actually cook at home in what they call #abuelacooking— grandmother cooking. A favorite holiday secret recipe will be shared!
Benefit from the gift of beauty with wellness tips from VENeffect Co- Founder, and PINKK Founding Sponsor, Cecil Booth. We all can have vibrant and healthy skin and glow for the holidays! There will be 20% discount for PINKK attendees. Use code PINKK www.VENeffect.com
Support Sarah’s Circle, a non-profit organization with a mission of serving women who are homeless or in need of a safe space. Located in Chicago’s Uptown community, Sarah’s Circle has provided support for thousands of women since 1979.
Order your lunch from Dineit4ward. www.dineit4ward.com SUPPORT CHICAGO RESTAURANTS: ORDER CARRYOUT WITH YOUR DINE-IT-4WARD CULINARY GUIDE. Get a discount on the guide when you register! Code PINKK20
This will all make an impact and we hope will inspire other acts of kindness and giving this holiday season and beyond.
When we support women and each other great things and kindness happen!
WHERE: ONLINE ZOOM: Once you register we will send you the zoom link to sign in with pass code. You will also receive that 24 hours prior to the event.
ALL DISCOUNT CODES from our sponsors will be sent again once you register for the event.
AGW Idea Group: www.AGWIDEAGROUP.com
VENeffect: www.VENeffect.com
Familia Kitchen http://www.familiakitchen.com
The Chopping Block: http://www.thechoppingblock.com
Equality Vines: https://equalityvines.com/
Dine It 4ward www.dineit4ward.com
Sarah’s Circle: www.Sarahs-circle.org
Common Threads: http://www.commonthreads.org
- Share one reason you are grateful right now and why, and/or
- Share the one word that currently describes how you are showing up in the world right now
- A anecdote to make us all smile or consider the possibilities
- We will vary topics each week!
- Thursdays as scheduled: 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

WEBINAR: August 13, 5:30 – 7:00 ONLINE PINKK Educational Panel Event: Ending Racism
Systemic racism has long been an Issue in the U.S. and around the world. PINKK conducted an open dialogue about the obstacles and challenges African American women have experienced in their personal and professional lives and discussed in a safe space what we can do as a community to support our friends and colleagues who experience these racial discrimination’s as we all travel our life-long journey.
For more information or content contact info@pinkknow.com
WEBINAR: July 15, 2020, 5:00 CST – Webinar with Lisa Pachence Navigating Change with Courage, Power and Kindness. FREE for PINKK members and friends.
- PPT of event: PINKK – Navigating Change with Courage and Power and Kindness R1 AGW
WEBINAR: April 22, 2020, 12PM CST – Webinar with Lisa Pachence Find Purpose in the Pause: How to Turn Fear into Faith and Ferocity.
EVENTS, and COACHING, and Workshops. WOW!
- ON LINE Workshop #2 Mindset Mastery: How to generate mental agility in your career and life:
- Friday, February 28 noon
- FREE for Members!
FREE and priority for members, and a small fee for non members: We are thrilled to have Lisa Pachence, Life, Leadership & Career Coach and Professional Coach- Trainer conduct this workshops. - ON LINE Workshop #2 Mindset Mastery: How to generate mental agility in your career and life:
- Members – see the Powerpoint slides and video in our member toolkit area! Non-members – if you’d like to access our toolkit, please get in touch on memberships! We’d love to have you!
Winter Walk on Sunday 2/23 to support Sarah’s Circle – to prevent homelessness for women.Help us #MeltAwayTheCold at the 28th Annual Winter Walk:A Mile in Her Shoes!For nearly three decades, Winter Walk: a Mile in Her Shoes has rallied support for women who are homeless in Chicago. By highlighting the extreme hardships women who are homeless face during Chicago’s harsh winter months, Winter Walk is an opportunity to show camaraderie, learn about homelessness, and raise crucial funds to end homelessness for women.
- ON LINE Workshop #1: The Second Act: How to reinvent your career into something you love!
- Thursday, January 30th 5:00 pm CST
- FREE for Members!
- Members – see the Powerpoint slides and video in our member toolkit area! Non-members – if you’d like to access our toolkit, please get in touch on memberships! We’d love to have you!
- 2nd Annual HOLIDAY KINDNESS LUNCHEONTuesday, December 10, 12- 2FIG & OLIVE: Member discount!
- Flying by the Seats of Their Skirts is available NOW on Amazon! Get it here!
- Thursday, October 10: 5:30-8:00 p.m.
- University of Phoenix, Chicago
- Celebrate the POWER of PINKK!
- July 25: 6-8 p.m.
- Alice & Olivia 919 N. Michigan Avenue
- Members FREE and non member rates
- 20% of proceeds go to PINKK
- PINKK POWER HOUR: Live Coaching – The Power of Intention:
EVENT PURPOSE & VISION: How To Use Intention To Reach Your Goals FAST!
Learn from Master Certified Life & Business Coach Kathy McCabe
- Do you PINKKY SWEAR? Fashion Secrets and Inspiration
JUNE 18, 6:00-8:00 PMHear secrets to inspire from innovators: Fashion designer Azeeza Khan and Cecil Booth – Co-founder of skincare line VENeffect.Inspire and be inspired, and be beautiful inside and out, supporting women founders and entrepreneurs.By invite only Azeeza: 900 N. Michigan Ave., 5th Floor
Members FREE
Discounts on sponsor products
- Do you PINKKY SWEAR? Fashion Secrets and Inspiration
GET PINKKED NETWORKING Event: Tuesday, February 19, 5:30-8 PM
American Marketing Association, FREE for members
SOLD OUT!- Sponsored by:
- American Marketing Association
- VENeffect www.VENeffect.com
- AGW Idea Group www.AGWIdeaGroup.com
- Thank you to Simona Blaugh, GM of Metroplitan Club for inspiration and telling her story!
- WINTER: B2B NETWORKING EVENT for PINKK at Metropolitan Club
- Private Invite for Members only:
Tuesday, March 12, 8:00-10:00 AM
- Empowering Women at All Stages
Tuesday, April 9, 6:00-8:00 PM
Invite Only: FREE for members/special guests: CLOSED - Our inaugural PINKK HOLIDAY KINDNESS Luncheon put true meaning to the K for KINDNESS in PINKK. We donated over $1,100 to IN HER SHOES FOUNDATION with support and contributions from our PINKK guests and members. Another sold out success.
- When women support women great things happen.
- PINKK Storytelling Panel Inspiration Event was held on Thursday 10/11 in Chicago to a sold out crowd! Six thought leaders told their real stories and shared their inspirational journeys! Join us to hear their stories and share yours!
- https://youtu.be/HlkGdNDtL_U
- When women support each other great things happen! More to come, stay tuned as we inspire & create opportunities for women to succeed… #inspiration #networking #branding #leadership #storytelling
- The first PINKK THINK TANK was held on July 12
AGW Idea Group gave a sneak peak of PINKK with an amazing selective group of women invited to participate in our first PINKK THINK TANK brand event. Much gratitude to American Marketing Association Chicago for hosting and Kathy Jo Van and Ashley Fogler for leadership and guidance and to all participants for believing, sharing and supporting!
- #networking #thinktank #participative #branding #marketing
- Here Is What We Heard
“It is inspiring to see amazingly talented people working together to create something incredible.” -VR
“I cannot express how wonderful I think your initiative is and am honored to have been among the first to hear your vision and participate in the pinkkstorm! What a great group of women and I look forward to more opportunities to spend time with them!”
“You are an ABSOLUTE JOY and I am so thrilled to be part of your “start-up.” This is EXCITING and so necessary.count me in! Thank you again for including me!”
“This is amazing! Kindness is what this world needs. And more people like you. Thanks for being an inspiration.”
“Amazing. Thanks for including me… it’s going to be epic!”
- We will have more events and salons with dynamic inspiring women and speakers/ authors/ thought leaders! Tell us what is of greatest interest to YOU!
- Storytelling: real stories of overcoming challenges and obstacles to create opportunities
- Key note speakers across biz segments
- Panel discussion with key thought leaders:
– Entrepreneurs
– Corporate
– Not for Profit
– Artists
– Technology - STEAM – have all areas covered – different focus each event add ART to STEM STEM becomes STEAM pivotal as we empower women to get more of those skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and create women inclusion in STEM. STEM combined with ART makes STEAM! The power behind the engine!
- Relevant sponsors for each event
- GUIDED speed networking and power mentoring
– Speed mentoring with industry segments/ matches - Check back here for more events to come soon!
- Event attendees and participants must abide by the following terms and conditions for all PINKK events.